
What is Agile?


The general answer to the question “What is Agile?” is that it is a special approach used in software development processes. This method eliminates the problem of unpredictability in the development of software. Incremental and iterative methods are used as workflow.

Also known as Agile software development, Agile is a general name given to software development methodologies. It has many advantages in the execution of work. Some of these advantages can be listed as:

Contributes to teamwork.
Facilitates the emergence of leadership psychology.
Effective in organizing the workflow.
Coordinates customer needs with company objectives.
Instills a sense of responsibility.

The origins of Agile methods date back to 1957. Agile methods were discovered in software development activities at IBM in that year. Then, in 1990, a working system called the “Waterfall Model” was adopted. However, due to its cumbersome structure, it did not last long. In 2001, 17 technology experts came together in Utah and published the “Agile Software Development Manifesto.” The methods of this manifesto are still used today.

Source: Agile Software Development

What Are the General Principles of Agile Methodology?

In 2001, leading figures in the world of software came together and published a series of manifestos. Nowadays, companies largely adopt the principles of this methodology to carry out their project management. So, what are the general principles of Agile methodology? Here are the details…

Ensuring customer satisfaction and continuously improving software are important.
Variable elements should be adopted to make the customer advantageous in competition.
Software should be delivered as soon as possible.
Developers and product owners should collaborate continuously during the project phase.
A suitable working environment should be provided for project developers. Keeping developers motivated is an important factor.
The best way to communicate well with a team is face-to-face communication.
Agility should be increased throughout the work. The desire to achieve excellence and good design makes developers agile.

Teamwork is crucial for developing a good software project. Managing the team is only possible with the emergence of responsible leaders. This is where Agile methodology stands out. This method enables the emergence of responsible leaders and enables good teamwork.

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